President Maduro Claims Right-Wing Plans to Privatize Education and Usurp Power

President Maduro During the Student Day Meeting at the Miraflores Palace. Nov 21, 2024 Photo: Venezuelan Government
November 21, 2024 Hour: 10:02 pm
President Maduro warned about the impact of these policies in nations like Argentina, where he said that “supported by the gringos, they are destroying university education.”
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Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, during the commemoration of Student Day, criticized right-wing policies affecting education in several countries, stressing the need for dialogue with students.
In his speech, he denounced that “the fascist extreme right” seeks to privatize education, transforming it into a business and denying millions of children and young people their right to comprehensive training.
President Maduro warned about the impact of these policies in nations like Argentina, where he said that “supported by the gringos, they are destroying university education.”
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He specifically mentioned Argentine President Javier Milei, accusing him of dismantling educational institutions and eliminating social and scientific careers under the pretext of freedom. “They are taking the brain and soul of the Argentine people,” he added.
The president also emphasized that the privatization of education would harm millions of children and youth in their development as useful citizens for the country.
He reiterated his commitment to peace and academic development in Venezuela, advocating for quality education that is aligned with the future of the country. “Curricula need to be updated,” he insisted.
Addressing the students, President Maduro stressed that they are “the technological generation of the 21st century” and must be trained in the advanced use of technology.
He highlighted the importance of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into all academic disciplines, arguing that this tool will not replace human beings but will empower various areas such as medicine, design, and political science.
Finally, he proposed that the next meeting of the Council of Ministers prioritize the management of AI and define the most relevant university careers for the development of the country.
Autor: MLM